About Us

Why I started White Lotus

I have had a lifelong interest in plants and living systems. I have always wondered how things work, and how things are connected. I have also always loved to create. I loved the beauty of the natural world and how it is ever changing. 

I grew up with a section of wild land near my house, and I would often go exploring and hiking there. I observed interactions between species there, and learned some of their names. Through school I enjoyed my science classes, and sunk countless hours into my art classes, staying after school and during off periods and lunches.

When I started attending college, I decided to pursue the sciences, since I loved living things. I had the unique opportunity to work with Dr. Steven Newman, the extension specialist for the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, and Professor of Floriculture. I was made the first ever Student Horticultural Sustainability Intern. I worked in the student greenhouses and grew hydroponic lettuce to supplement the dining halls on campus. I held this position for more than a year until I trained my successor. In 2020, I graduated with a degree in Horticulture, concentrating in Floriculture, and a minor in Botany from Colorado State University.

After graduating, I moved from Ft. Collins to Aurora, and started working as a nurseryman at Nick's Garden Center. I worked alongside seasoned horticulturalists, and helped thousands of customers with everything from selling plants, to helping design perennial beds for customers, to identifying insects, and being "plant doctor" for both outdoor and indoor plants. While working at Nick's, I gained a broad and versatile skillset and grew my knowledge base. I had customers asking me if I could visit their homes to look at their yards. I noticed there was a severe lack of people with knowledge like me who would go out and do house calls. There were plenty of lawn care and tree care companies, and plenty of companies that would install plants in your yard, but generally don't give you very detailed care instructions or information about the plants that were installed. Not to mention the questionable plant selections I would see time and time again. I helped in what ways I could, answering questions, teaching where I could, and giving advice, but I didn't have anyone I could recommend to customers for consulting work. 

I decided to start my own business, White Lotus Plant Care, LLC in March of 2021. I worked on my business on my days off, making visits to people's yards and answering questions, helping with skilled maintenance work, and putting together designs for clients until Summer of 2022 when I left to pursue my business full time.

Though I am no longer working at Nick's, I do my best to keep learning and growing with the industry. I have attended ProGreen Expo twice so far, and I hope to continue attending annually to see some of the newest innovations and research in the green industry every year. Beyond this, I seek to be a lifelong learner outside of just conferences and classes.

I hope that with my business, I can help people understand their landscapes better, help design smarter landscapes that are more resilient and support biodiversity when possible, and make the world just a little more beautiful.


I work to demystify plants for the average person if I can, and support biodiversity in my designs whenever possible.


I want your yard to make a lasting impression. I want to cultivate beauty in your landscape for the long term.


I do my very best to be clear in my communication and conscious of your needs and desires as a client.

More about Milo

In my free time, I enjoy camping, skiing, kayaking, hunting, fishing, playing video games, playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends, pursuing artistic endeavors, thrift shopping, gardening, and spending time with my partner, Wyatt. I have a cat named Lunabell, a frog named Hubert, and I keep freshwater fish. My home is full of houseplants, and my coffee table is always occupied with my latest obsession.